Careers at Heaven Solutions

Heaven Solu­tions is a Romanian company build in 2005, with offices in Finland, Germany and United States, that pro­vides cus­tomized IT solu­tions and smart out­sourcing ser­vices for industry leaders world­wide, from dif­ferent indus­tries: health­care, trans­port, edu­ca­tion, enter­tain­ment, e‑commerce, secu­rity, NGO etc. One of the key values for our cus­tomers is pro­viding them IT and busi­ness con­sul­tants, opti­mally bal­anced between on-site (client office) and off-site (working remotely from Iasi, Romania).
The heart of Heaven Solu­tions is our people. We TRUST every single one of our employees and his/her best inten­tions for each other and the company. But just like the saying goes; “No one can whistle a sym­phony. It takes an orchestra to play it.”, we DELIVER VALUE AS A TEAM and not as indi­vid­uals. We value trans­parent COMMUNICATION that enables healthy and long lasting rela­tion­ships. We adopted KAIZEN and we strive for con­tin­uous improve­ment in every aspect of our busi­ness to enhance effi­ciency and quality. We see errors as an oppor­tu­nity to grow and excel.

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