
dentsply sirona logo - IT Outsourcing Projects

In the begin­ning of 2014, we have started a col­lab­o­ra­tion with Heaven Solu­tions as we wanted to boost our in-house R&D capacity in soft­ware devel­op­ment as well as improving our soft­ware testing pro­ce­dures. Heaven Solu­tions engaged with our oper­a­tions both on-site as well as remotely. Their reli­able and skilled spe­cial­ists inte­grated them­selves very well in our busi­ness culture, adding value to our internal team and allowing our depart­ment to opti­mize project exe­cu­tion. We have been excep­tion­ally sat­is­fied with the quality of the ser­vices deliv­ered by Heaven Solu­tions. Their work has been meeting our expec­ta­tions on the highest level and is in accor­dance with our growth plans. Their client focus in accor­dance with IT inno­va­tion as well as struc­tured project man­age­ment is making the overall expe­ri­ence very sat­is­fying. I would rec­om­mend Heaven Solu­tions to any firm that is looking for a solu­tion-ori­ented service provider with a strong busi­ness focus and understanding.”

Ulrich Orth, Head of CAD/CAM R&D

Dentsply Sirona
Bensheim, Germany

There spec­trum of tech­nology stacks, pro­gram­ming lan­guages and devel­op­ment methods are a strong plus. In our client server tech­nology, they always bring in fresh ideas and a con­stant high quality.”

Ulf Willers, Project Manager R&D GCZ

Dentsply Sirona
Bensheim, Germany

Heaven Solu­tions pro­vides a valu­able con­tri­bu­tion to our cross-national devel­op­ment team. They are the strong and flex­ible partner we need.”

Dr. Sascha Schneider,

Vice President Device Software Development 

Dentsply Sirona
Bensheim, Germany

I have been working with Heaven Solu­tions for years in the field of quality assur­ance in medical device tech­nology. Coop­er­a­tion has always been char­ac­ter­ized by trust, quality, and a high degree of flex­i­bility. It is very reas­suring to have a partner at your side who finds suit­able and flex­ible solu­tions to changing project sit­u­a­tions. Thank you for the long­time support, Cris­tian and Heaven Solu­tions Team!

Almir Blazevic
Director Software Quality Assurance

Ablacon, Inc.

Wheat Ridge, Colorado

Bingli, an AI-powered medical chat bot, has used Heaven Solu­tions soft­ware devel­op­ment ser­vices for the devel­op­ment of some backend solu­tions. The quality of Heaven Solu­tions ser­vices including the source code was excel­lent. Their team was very respon­sive and they deliv­ered in the promised time­frame. I would highly rec­om­mend Heaven Solu­tions for their soft­ware engi­neering skills, perfect com­mu­ni­ca­tion and their full client focus.”

Piet Van de Steen, Founder

Antwerp, Belgium

I have been working with Heaven Solu­tions in Active Life research project which was an inno­v­a­tive elderly care ini­tia­tive of Aalto Uni­ver­sity, VTT Finland and various Finnish medical and IOT com­pa­nies. Heaven Solu­tions involved in medical ser­vices plat­form inte­gra­tions and behav­ioral analysis. I am very sat­is­fied with the col­lab­o­ra­tion with Heaven Solu­tions mainly due to the unique gift to under­stand, align and add value to both busi­ness and tech­nical areas. I am highly rec­om­mending Heaven Solu­tions to all com­pa­nies who are in need of soft­ware ser­vices with a deep under­standing of medical business.”

Matti Hämäläinen

Aalto University Professor / Senior Researcher / Senior Advisor in MedTech
Espoo, Finland

Heaven Solu­tions is an excel­lent busi­ness partner where all the team members are sin­cerely looking for solu­tions to satisfy cus­tomer needs. Our internal team part­nered for success with Heaven Solu­tions’ pro­fes­sionals in dif­ferent inter­dis­ci­pli­nary projects where we needed both com­mu­ni­ca­tion and tech­nical skills. Heaven Solu­tions proved to be a com­pe­tent and reli­able partner in crit­ical projects such as the largest Share­Point imple­men­ta­tion in Finland in 2013–2014 and first Share­Point eLearning solu­tion built on top of Azure IaaS. So I kindly rec­om­mend them for the busi­ness value they bring as a partner”

Esa Tervo, CEO

Neoxen Systems
Turku, Finland
neoxen logo - IT Outsourcing Projects

Heaven Solu­tions helped us create a solid foun­da­tion for growth, including a pri­or­i­tized action plan for the short- to medium-term, improve­ment sug­ges­tions, best prac­tice guid­ance and pro­duc­tivity tools setup. This allows for a smoother tran­si­tion between current and future states, with clear metrics. Heaven Solu­tions offered us highly pro­fes­sional skilled con­sul­tants, which deliv­ered a quality job in a short period of time. We rec­om­mend Heaven Solu­tions for other start-ups or small busi­nesses facing the same chal­lenges.

Olen Johannsen, Project Manager

Bayerische TelemedAllianz UG
Munich, Germany

We have used Heaven Solution’s ser­vices for devel­oping a Cordova appli­ca­tion for our e‑health solu­tion. HS are pro­fes­sional, com­mitted, easy to work with and deliv­ered as expected on time. Overall, we are very pleased with their work.”

Fredrik Ståhl, CEO & Founder

Malmo, Sweden
globe foundation logo - IT Outsourcing Projects

If you’re thinking of out­sourcing Heaven Solu­tions is a very good choice. They are pro­fes­sional, focused; the solu­tions offered to our web devel­op­ment project were not just great, they were exe­cuted incred­ibly fast. Heaven Solu­tions are depend­able respon­sive to our requests and sug­ges­tions. They are not only tal­ented when it comes to web devel­op­ment; they also truly listen to the customer.”

Narcis Hutanu, Project Manager

Globe Foundation
Vancouver, Canada

Heaven Solu­tions helped Rompetrol in various soft­ware projects such as cre­ating from scratch a BPM for fleet oper­a­tional ser­vices. This kind of projects may end up with a product that is halfway to what one would have actu­ally wanted as a result of an inability to under­stand the product from a user’s point of view and a lack of flex­i­bility on the part of the devel­op­ment team. This was not the case with Heaven Solu­tions, their tech­ni­cians deliv­ered, on time and budget, exactly what we wanted: we did not have to com­pro­mise at all. Heaven Solu­tions dis­played a real under­standing of how the product should work in the ‘real world’ and helped us to provide our cus­tomers with an excel­lent service. We have been very sat­is­fied with our col­lab­o­ra­tion with Heaven Solu­tions. They are trust­worthy, have excel­lent tech­nical and project man­age­ment skills. Fur­ther­more, I highly rec­om­mend Heaven Solu­tions for their ability to under­stand industry-spe­cific require­ments and their con­tin­uous com­mit­ment to suggest busi­ness and tech­nical improvements.”

Marcel Chiriac, CIO

Bucharest, Romania

I was pos­i­tively sur­prised by the tech­nical skills of the team at Heaven Solu­tions. These skills, as well as project man­age­ment ones are always dif­fi­cult to control when out­sourcing. Do not expect such dif­fi­cul­ties with Heaven Solu­tions; They deliv­ered the project on time, def­i­nitely meeting the quality bench­marks. Thanks guys.”

Ludovic Renoult, Consultant

Triple Lootz , SEO and web marketing agency in the Landes
Hossegor, France

Heaven Solu­tions is very com­pe­tent with website devel­op­ment and pro­gram­ming. They are kind, respon­sive, hard-working, and per­se­vering, the kind of people you would like not only to be working with but also to have as friends.”

Dr. Thomas R. Giles, Director

Westside Behavioral Care
Denver, USA

Like a Swiss watch, you can count on Heaven Solu­tions to deliver on time, every time, with pre­ci­sion and quality. We’ve been col­lab­o­rating with Cris­tian and his team for over a decade, and con­sider Heaven Solu­tions to be a crit­ical partner in exe­cuting our company’s digital strategy. ”

Nick Csakany, CEO

Cirrus Streaming
Deerfield Beach, Florida, USA
securenet systems logo - IT Outsourcing Projects

Securenet Systems has been col­lab­o­rating with Heaven Solu­tions for many years on various back-end as well as client-facing projects. Their entire staff is extremely knowl­edge­able, lever­aging current and emerging tech­nolo­gies for a true end-to-end solu­tion design and imple­men­ta­tion. From expert rec­om­men­da­tions to timely and budget-con­scious deliv­eries, we’ve come to trust Heaven Solu­tions for enter­prise-level appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment and systems inte­gra­tions. I whole­heart­edly rec­om­mend Cris­tian Micliuc and his team for any size project.”

Kerry Brewer, Executive Director

Securenet Systems
Deerfield Beach, Florida, USA

Having worked with Heaven Solu­tions on crit­ical urgent projects, I can hon­estly rec­om­mend them to anyone looking for a solid and cred­ible pro­grammer. They worked well with our free­lance core team. It is a sadly rare to find, but I am glad we did.”

Alexa Emmane, Director

DHP Freelance IT Solutions
London, United Kingdom


Nordic Climate Fes­tival Aalto, one of the main events of Finnish pres­i­dency of the Nordic Council of Min­is­ters in 2011, was happy to use the ser­vices of Heaven Solu­tions for sending a webcast from our two half-day open events in August-Sep­tember 2011 through our fes­tival web-page. We were very pleased with Heaven Solu­tions’ pro­fes­sional and friendly service and on the quality of the webcast and would highly rec­om­mend them to help you to share your events online.”

Simo Haanpää, Coordinator

NCF Aalto
Espoo, Finland


Out­sourcing can be a night­mare if both ‘in’ and ‘out-house’ teams don’t gel. Our Tech­ni­cians have worked with Heaven Solu­tions on various projects over the past year and they have a pretty unique gift in that they seam­lessly manage to inte­grate as a natural exten­sion of our in-house team. It’s almost as if they’re within hands reach.”

Warren Wysocki, Director

London, United Kingdom