Cooking for Charity 1.0 and 2.0

Once in a while, we gather our cooking talents and prepare dif­ferent kinds of snacks or meals for our col­leagues! The vol­un­teers who offer them­selves ded­i­cate a piece of their time to delight us with culi­nary surprises. 

In 2022 we orga­nized Cooking for Charity for the first time in Heaven Solutions’s history. The first event was on 29 April, and we invested the money in a chil­dren’s cause through Father Damaschin. 

The second event was on 21 October, when the Heaven Solu­tions team wanted again to connect and make a small change in some­one’s life. So we decided it was the perfect time to Cook for Charity. Six of our col­leagues offered to prepare deli­cious meals that filled us with love and warmth. 

We all gath­ered and made a fundraising dona­tion to Casa SHARE, through which we made it pos­sible for 75 chil­dren to smile with a good and warm meal.

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