
With the birth of the internet, eCom­merce has sig­nif­i­cantly changed the way we shop. The require­ment of being phys­i­cally present to conduct a trade is no longer a nec­es­sary factor. Every­thing can be sold and bought online and with this, the advance­ment of the IT industry is con­tin­u­ously trans­forming the phys­ical market into an online based reality. 

Cryp­tocur­ren­cies such as bitcoin, same day deliv­eries, 3D printing and even aug­mented real­i­ties are current drivers that might have a further big influ­ence on the way we conduct busi­ness. Only looking at the number of mobile phones and tablets that are used by con­sumers demon­strates the change in pur­chasing pat­terns. It is, there­fore, sig­nif­i­cant for organ­i­sa­tions to be cus­tomer-centric in this new driven envi­ron­ment where tech­nology is the driver and major differentiator. 

Fur­ther­more, busi­nesses are required to inte­grate new busi­ness models that allow their web plat­forms to seam­lessly connect various internal busi­ness processes and increase their speed, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and visibility.

Heaven Solu­tions has been working with e‑commerce providers to trans­form their cus­tomer ser­vices into a more con­sumer friendly expe­ri­ence while improving process efficiency. 


Case studies:

  • Lan­guage School eCom­merce app
  • eCom­merce platform

Cristian Micliuc

CEO & Founder