E2E Testing in Healthcare

Busi­ness problem

One of our clients oper­ating in the medical industry has faced over the years mul­tiple chal­lenges with hard­ware — soft­ware inte­gra­tion. The main chal­lenging areas were in incom­pat­i­bil­i­ties between graphic cards and main­board, graphic cards drivers incom­pat­i­bility with the soft­ware and firmware issues that needed to be val­i­dated and ver­i­fied by doing com­pre­hen­sive testing of the entire system, fol­lowing as well reg­u­la­tory requirements.

Our solu­tion

We assisted our client by cre­ating test design and test exe­cu­tions based on high level require­ments, plan­ning, mon­i­toring and con­trol­ling the exe­cu­tion of the tests during the entire life­cycle of the product development.

The aim of test sce­narios was to verify that the soft­ware installed on pro­duc­tion stan­dard devices sat­is­fies the defined spec­i­fi­ca­tion by cov­ering all func­tional and non-func­tional aspects, to ensure its proper oper­a­tion and com­pli­ance with reg­u­la­tory stan­dards and com­pli­ance require­ments such as FDA or HIPPA. The test pro­ce­dures were closed only after the exit cri­teria were met, the test reports com­pleted and handed over to our client.

Using E2E testing, our team val­i­dated the com­plete work­flow of the medical device, sim­u­lating real-world sce­narios and user inter­ac­tions. More­over, it has val­i­dated the com­mu­ni­ca­tion and inter­op­er­ability between dif­ferent modules or com­po­nents of the soft­ware medical device, along with the exchange of data, mes­sages, and signals, along with any inter­facing with external systems or devices. Besides this, we have focused on ver­i­fying the accu­racy, integrity, and secu­rity of data throughout the entire system by checking data inputs, trans­for­ma­tions, storage, retrieval, and pro­cessing, ensuring that data is cor­rectly cap­tured, stored, and trans­mitted between various com­po­nents and systems. 

Both manual and auto­mated testing approaches have been used, with focus in automating the repet­i­tive task by checking for regres­sion bugs using nightly builds, par­allel test exe­cu­tion and col­lecting all results in mean­ingful test reports.


Do you want to know more about the project? Please do not hes­i­tate to get in touch with us.



Test design
Test execution
Test reporting
Test management
Reg­u­la­tory standards


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