
Edu­ca­tion is the very core pillar of any global economy, allowing indi­vid­uals to con­tin­u­ously add and improve their knowl­edge and skills, helping society to steadily advance. With the enhance­ment of the IT industry, edu­ca­tion has trans­formed the learning envi­ron­ment into an inter­na­tional driven enlight­ening experience. 

It not only allows indi­vid­uals to save money but also improves pro­duc­tivity with smart learning appli­ca­tions, turning learning into a fun expe­ri­ence. Fur­ther­more, indi­vid­uals have the oppor­tu­nity to access infor­ma­tion when­ever they want, from wher­ever they are and col­lab­o­rate with peers from all around the world. 

According to PWC in their pub­li­ca­tion, Lever­aging Tech­nology in Edu­ca­tion: “Our research indi­cated that the evo­lu­tion into the future state is expected to occur when tech­nology is inte­grated into the social fabric of the edu­ca­tional process and all stakeholders—teachers, admin­is­tra­tion, and parents—are invested in the enhance­ment of the current edu­ca­tional system by lever­aging tech­nology in the class­room. To that end, a recon­sid­er­a­tion of current tech­nology invest­ments to “smarter solu­tions” should be under­taken and meager resources freed up to be appro­pri­ately deployed” (2014).

Our role

The Finnish edu­ca­tion system has been con­stantly rated as global no. 1. Over the years Heaven Solutions’s team was involved in various projects for both public and private Finnish edu­ca­tion providers. Our team from Iasi, Romania has pro­vided IT out­sourcing ser­vices to leverage the use of cloud and mobile devices in today’s learning envi­ron­ment. Fur­ther­more, Heaven Solu­tions fol­lowed the request of our clients and sent IT con­sul­tants to work with our cus­tomers in Helsinki and Turku, Finland in order to ensure the suc­cessful project devel­op­ment and delivery. 

Heaven Solu­tions pro­vided edu­ca­tion solu­tions for German market as well. Our client in Frank­furt used our exper­tise for cre­ating a new service for courses pro­cure­ment and indi­vidual training.

Case studies:

  • Edu­ca­tion courses project in Finland
  • Share­Point deploy­ment in Turku Univ.
  • Lan­guage School eCom­merce app

Cristian Micliuc

CEO & Founder