HS renovated a classroom for the Computer Science Highschool

Heaven Solu­tions’ mission of social com­mit­ment has evolved by improving the learning spaces of Com­puter Science High School Grigore Moisil Iași (liis.ro).

First, in 2019, we inau­gu­rated two robotics labs fully equipped with tech­nical gear and great working spaces for building robots, pro­gram­ming, and 3D Printing. Since then, the need for improve­ments in STEM edu­ca­tion has increased con­sid­er­ably because of the lack of mod­ern­ized class­rooms and e‑learning devices during the pandemic.

In part­ner­ship with the Com­puter Science High School Grigore Moisil Iași, we com­pleted the ”Adopt a class for Iași” project.

We explored solu­tions for making learning more inter­ac­tive and prac­tical, by which we ren­o­vated the class­room to provide more cre­ativity, energy, moti­va­tion, and trust to the high school stu­dents. Simul­ta­ne­ously, we became the mentors of those stu­dents and held activ­i­ties to increase their moti­va­tion for learning, espe­cially pro­gram­ming.

At the inau­gu­ra­tion of the class­room, some stu­dents shared their thoughts about the impor­tance of the ini­tia­tive:

Those who give may not remember, but those who receive will never forget. Thank you, Heaven Solu­tions, for passing on your expe­ri­ences” M.D

Heaven Solu­tions has been involved excep­tion­ally in STEM edu­ca­tion by sup­porting the CyLiis robotics clubs and redesigning the learning envi­ron­ment of IX A class” T.S.

I’m glad that mentors from IT com­pa­nies offered us the chance to escape from the clas­sical stan­dards of edu­ca­tion by investing in our future.” B.Ș.

We learned better about team­work and adapt­ability to any sit­u­a­tion today.” V.Ș.

This project is unique in Romania. I’m very excited to take on every oppor­tu­nity to self-develop. I want to join the robotics teams. I’m grateful that Heaven Solu­tions have invested in the robotics club”.

We thank Heaven Solu­tions for the given oppor­tu­ni­ties to self-develop by financing and redesigning the class­room as well as for the oppor­tu­nity to visit the company and learn more useful lessons, com­pre­hend new infor­ma­tion, and estab­lish new objec­tives for our future.” P.B.

It’s an oppor­tu­nity we received, and we will cherish.” I.A.

The chance to learn more and hear advice from people that suc­cess­fully started their busi­nesses and achieved high per­for­mances will moti­vate us.” D.A.

Our CEO, Cris­tian Micliuc, an alumnus of Com­puter Science High School, has always sup­ported ini­tia­tives that improve local edu­ca­tion. His strong con­nec­tion and grat­i­tude to the teachers and the school have moti­vated him to invest further in the future of our local community.

By com­pleting this won­derful project, we pro­vided an impres­sive learning space full of oppor­tu­ni­ties, inspi­ra­tion, and guid­ance during the growth of 30 high school stu­dents. We are proud to be part of a project unique to Romania.

Edu­ca­tion is the pass­port to the future; tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. “

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