Cristian Micliuc

CEO & Founder

Cris­tian is the core pillar of the firm. His back­ground and expe­ri­ence in IT and Busi­ness align­ment is not only valued from the client side but also within the company. His vision and open minded char­acter pro­vides Heaven Solu­tions with the nec­es­sary hands on approach that allows to resolve any point in ques­tion. His social char­acter allows him to connect with people from all over the world easily. In his free time, Cris­tian likes to explore the thermal oases while con­stantly staying up to date with the latest technologies.

CEO & Founder 

  • Master of Science (Tech­nology) at Aalto Uni­ver­sity, Finland
  • Bach­elor of Com­puter Science at UAIC Iasi, Romania
  • Microsoft Cer­ti­fied Professional
  • Scrum Master

More than 10 years expe­ri­ence in Busi­ness & IT and Service Design