Healthcare digitalization

Busi­ness problem

One of our clients has been using a mono­lithic health­care solu­tion for many years, being one of the best pro­viding a very good cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion in the health industry. The client appli­ca­tions were using a tra­di­tional approach using desktop inter­faces. The solu­tion inte­grated as well hard­ware and was depen­dent on spe­cific con­fig­u­ra­tion and com­pu­ta­tion resources. As more and more fea­tures were added, the costs for the soft­ware exten­sion, main­te­nance, refac­toring and hard­ware resources increased. More­over it was a closed system that allowed only certain types of users and use cases and the busi­ness model was using a tra­di­tional license concept, being some­times inflex­ible in terms of paying only for the fea­tures that are used.

Our solu­tion

As times evolve at a very fast pace, we step up and help our client to over­come many of the existing lim­i­ta­tions. From archi­tec­tural styles, from desktop solu­tions it has been changed to web based approach making the fea­tures easier acces­sible from a simple browser from anywhere.

More­over, by redesigning the work­flows we focussed on inter­op­er­ability and inte­gra­tions,  fos­tering col­lab­o­ra­tion with part­ners, cre­ating an open system that is reli­able and highly cus­tomiz­able. Now more part­ners can join and col­lab­o­rate together having the pos­si­bility to use only the fea­tures they want, using the new busi­ness model that has also changed to a sub­scrip­tion based approach.

Another sen­si­tive topic was the data secu­rity and privacy that has been over­come by using a privacy by design archi­tec­ture and com­plying with data privacy reg­u­la­tions spe­cific for the industry that our client acti­vated, imple­menting dif­ferent poli­cies such as General Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR) in the Euro­pean Union, the Health Insur­ance Porta­bility and Account­ability Act (HIPAA) in the United States, and other regional or national regulations.

In terms of data stan­dards and data exchanged, our team inte­grated the Health Level Seven (HL7) stan­dards and Fast Health­care Inter­op­er­ability Resources (FHIR) such that dif­ferent health­care systems and tech­nolo­gies are able to exchange, inter­pret, and use data cohe­sively. To con­tinue using the data and processes of legacy systems, mid­dle­ware solu­tions, and data con­ver­sion tech­niques have been added to bridge the gap between legacy systems and modern inter­op­er­able platforms.


Do you want to know more about the project? Please do not hes­i­tate to get in touch with us.



Reg­u­la­tory Standards
Data Security
Data Privacy


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