Start-up Europe

Heaven Solu­tions par­tic­i­pated in the aca­d­emic event STARTUP EUROPE COMES TO UNIVERSITIES.

The purpose of the event was to encourage stu­dents in making entre­pre­neur­ship a valid and respected career choice, use their enthu­siasm and ideas in cre­ating their own start-ups.

We told the story about the lessons learned the hard way in a start-up evo­lu­tion and growth but also about the thrill and drive while working with a pas­sionate team. 

We’ve worked hard, had ups and downs, embraced change and succeeded!

So to help all future entre­pre­neurs, we shared some valu­able lessons we’ve learned along the way:

  • Make sure your market size is large enough;
  • Hit the right timing;
  • Choose wisely the Co-founders and Go to Market strategy;
  • Senior pro­fes­sionals are not always good leaders;
  • Don’t be afraid to risk;
  • Don’t under­value internal communication;
  • Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to con­tinue that counts.”  Winston Churchill

In con­clu­sion, seize the moment and start your idea!