Heaven Solutions sponsored the local robotic teams for the FTC contest in Texas

Trust, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, con­tin­uous improve­ment (kaizen), and deliv­ering values as a team are our values. Our favorite spon­sored teams, Cyliis and Peppers, demon­strated them in one of the biggest robotics con­tests — First Tech Chal­lenge in Hudson! Over 200 stu­dents com­peted to affirm their skills in robotics and informatics.

Fur­ther­more, we are very proud to report that the Peppers team obtained three prizes:

  • fourth place in the (regional stage)
  • third place in the cat­e­gory “Inspire” — one of the most chal­lenging prizes (regional stage)
  • third place in the cat­e­gory “Think Award” - offered for teams who demon­strate good com­pe­ten­cies and complex abil­i­ties through inge­niosity for building a per­for­mant robot that can com­plete several tasks (national stage)

The Cyliis team obtained third place in the cat­e­gory Moti­va­tion” on the regional stage. Victor-Gabriel Tcaciuc won the dis­tinc­tion “Dean’s List Finalist” from the orga­ni­za­tion “Nație Prin Edu­cație”  and par­tic­i­pated in the final stage of the contest, in Houston, along­side Mirela Țibu (coor­di­nator of the team).

We are proud of their success, and we con­sider it an honor to support such incred­ible moti­va­tion for learning and inno­va­tion. Heaven Solu­tions encour­ages the cre­ativity of intel­li­gent youths who strive to achieve their goals and passions. 

source https://www.cyliis.ro/

Read more about Cyliis and Peppers



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