I..ASI in Trail 2020 - HS is supporting the local community's well-being

Heaven Solu­tions is proud to be the main sponsor of I…ASI in Trail.

I..ASI in Trail is a com­pe­ti­tion that takes a pio­neering approach in the sense that it is prob­ably the “greenest” running com­pe­ti­tion in Romania. It was the first trail race in Romania that, since the begin­ning, has not used dis­pos­able plastic glasses.

At the same time, through the logis­tical orga­ni­za­tional activ­i­ties, they try their best to reduce the impact gen­er­ated on the envi­ron­ment, without com­pro­mising the comfort of the runners.

The com­pe­ti­tion has caught the interest of nature lovers since the first edition (300 com­peti­tors). For the fifth edition, they have pre­pared a total of 500 seats. Par­tic­i­pants can choose between the cross marathon – 12 kilo­me­tres and the half marathon – 21 kilometres.

The loca­tion is the forest of Repedea-Bârnova, a place known for its beauty that stands in its bio­di­ver­sity. It is one of the largest forests of the outside part of Carpathian Moun­tains cov­ering over 12 hectares and it has been declared a site of Com­mu­nity impor­tance by the Order of the Min­istry of Envi­ron­ment and Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment in 2007.

Heaven Solu­tions invites you to join the pioneer com­pe­ti­tion, born of the passion for running in nature and love for the sur­round­ings of Iasi.