Streaming software

Busi­ness need

One of our cus­tomers in the enter­tain­ment industry wanted to have an internet radio streaming appli­ca­tion which is easy to install, con­figure, upgrade and run on all Windows oper­ating system ver­sions. They were looking for a partner who can develop appli­ca­tion thus allowing them to focus more on busi­ness instead of dealing with soft­ware issues themselves.

Our solu­tion

We devel­oped an internet radio streaming soft­ware com­posed of 2 ded­i­cated solu­tions: a Windows service and a Windows con­fig­u­ra­tion appli­ca­tion for that service. The service was respon­sible for cap­turing the audio signal from various sources, encoding it using a plug-in based encoding library and pushing the stream to an Internet-based broad­casting service for redis­tri­b­u­tion. The con­fig­u­ra­tion appli­ca­tion allowed users to con­figure and monitor various oper­a­tions of the service, through a real-time TCP/IP com­mu­ni­ca­tion channel. We also devel­oped some fea­tures that allowed the client to record audio streams based on a schedule, upload the recording to an FTP server, capture and push Data Code Squelch to and from various sources in order to move his focus on busi­ness side instead of dealing with tech­nical aspects.


Do you want to know more about the project? Please do not hes­i­tate to get in touch with us.




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