
Heaven Solu­tions pro­vides cus­tomized IT solu­tions and smart (soft­ware & web) out­sourcing ser­vices for global no. 1 com­pa­nies, industry leaders and role model orga­ni­za­tions. One of the key value propo­si­tions for our cus­tomers is pro­viding them with busi­ness and IT pro­fes­sionals, opti­mally bal­anced between on-site (client office) and off-site (working remotely from Iasi, Romania) in accor­dance with the busi­ness needs. This flex­i­bility keeps proper project support at all times com­bining quality with cost optimization.

Our expe­ri­ence in inte­grating teams of cross-indus­trial experts and IT pro­fes­sionals gen­er­ated syn­er­gies with expo­nen­tial pos­i­tive busi­ness out­comes. The pro­duc­tivity and inno­va­tion of your Busi­ness Units will boost with the input of an inde­pen­dent party, which is used to think outside of the box. 

The indus­tries which we have served so far:

Cristian Micliuc

CEO & Founder