
Are you looking for a highly com­mitted and trust­worthy out­sourcing partner who can get the job done? Don’t look any further — Heaven Solu­tions is a company with inno­v­a­tive and expe­ri­enced people with an IT and busi­ness back­ground that can align your IT needs with busi­ness require­ments by redesigning and cus­tomizing your appli­ca­tions and processes using the latest tech­nolo­gies. Based on your needs we can offer both onsite and off-shore support pro­viding you with a per­son­al­ized solution.

Outsource your IT services with Heaven Solutions

Smart Out­sourcing

Despite its uni­versal appli­ca­tion, many firms are still hes­i­tant when it comes to trans­fer­ring in-house processes and respon­si­bil­i­ties to third parties. We at Heaven Solu­tions fully under­stand this and are ded­i­cated to making your service expe­ri­ence more than satisfying. 

Key aspects:

  • Involving the right people in terms of skills, expe­ri­ence, and cre­ativity who have an R&D mindset for each indi­vidual project
  • Using all nec­es­sary resources in order to enhance factors such as cost and time as well as an optimal balance between on-site and remote professionals 
  • Imple­menting smart Q&A processes to guar­antee cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion of the project delivery 
  • Dis­playing and com­mu­ni­cating trans­parency of the entire process

Service Design

Poten­tial service oppor­tu­ni­ties or already existing ser­vices, we not only offer to trans­form your idea into a busi­ness tool but also help you to improve your current offer­ings. Our ulti­mate goal is to deliver ser­vices that are useful, usable, desir­able, effi­cient and effective. 

Key activ­i­ties:

  • Analyse and Iden­tify Key Per­for­mance Indicators
  • Model making
  • Plan­ning resources, time and budget
  • Pro­to­typing service products
  • Pro­to­typing customer/user experience
  • Busi­ness prototyping
  • Agile devel­op­ment


Pro­viding of IT/Business Pro­fes­sionals

Heaven solu­tions can support you with expe­ri­enced IT & Busi­ness pro­fes­sionals in-house. Our col­leagues can help you and your busi­ness in two ways: project and time based. They are T‑shaped pro­fes­sionals with IT and busi­ness exper­tise who possess splendid social skills in order to accom­mo­date and inte­grate them­selves easily into existing teams. At Heaven Solu­tions, English is the offi­cial company lan­guage. Nev­er­the­less, all employees attend reg­u­larly other lan­guage courses to opti­mize our service and strengthen the rela­tion­ship with our clients.


IT Projects

We do not provide you with stan­dard­ised ser­vices but with per­son­alised end-to-end solu­tions. The team of Heaven Solu­tions con­sists of inter­na­tional pro­fes­sionals who are oper­ating across Europe and the US. Our global pres­ence allows us to transfer knowl­edge and strengthen the col­lab­o­ra­tion of our work­force with inhouse-spe­cial­ists of our clients. Small-medium enter­prises or large firms, our flex­ible busi­ness approach allows us to deal with projects of various sizes. To suc­cess­fully guar­antee sat­is­fying cus­tomer service, we combine on-site inte­gra­tion with off-site support.