Performance improvement of a medical application

Busi­ness challenge

One of our cus­tomers has devel­oped over the years a rev­o­lu­tionary medical appli­ca­tion that allows doctors and tech­ni­cians to scan and 3D model dif­ferent items. Over the years tech­nolo­gies had evolved fast and some of their solu­tions were out­dated and started to have per­for­mance issues. There­fore our client was looking for a reli­able partner with expe­ri­ence in this field to help them solve the per­for­mance problem.

Our solu­tion

Using our expe­ri­ence and exper­tise we have done per­for­mance improve­ment work for a cus­tomer that had a medical appli­ca­tion with per­for­mance issues. The problem areas were memory usage, CPU inef­fi­cient usage, and rather slow tri­an­gu­la­tion algo­rithms. We helped them to iden­tify the root cause of their prob­lems, pro­posed solu­tions and imple­mented the changes in order to fix the issues. In the end, our cus­tomer had a better and faster appli­ca­tion with an improved user expe­ri­ence for their clients.


Do you want to know more about the project? Please do not hes­i­tate to get in touch with us. 



Tech­nolo­gies used:


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  • Fleet Service Operations
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