Social Commitment

PoliHelp funded by the EU

Heaven Solu­tion’s project, Poli­Help, is a dona­tion plat­form that is par­tially funded by the EU through EOSC (Euro­pean Open Science Cloud).

Poli­Help is a digital plat­form that will bring the local com­mu­nity together in the fight against COVID-19 or other pan­demic threatsLocal com­mu­ni­ties and orga­ni­za­tions, hos­pi­tals, small busi­nesses, vol­un­teers, donors and regional pro­ducers (e.g. farmers, textile com­pa­nies, restau­rants, land­lords) are brought together on the Poli­Help plat­form to work with the needy (e.g. older people, health care workers pri­marily, schools)  estab­lish a con­nec­tion. When we are in need, we need to ask the com­mu­nity for help in a safe and opti­mally orga­nized environment.

The data col­lected on the plat­form and other results are made avail­able to open data uni­ver­si­ties and researchers who serve the prin­ci­ples of open science.

Heaven Solu­tions will offer Poli­Help Plat­form as a Service format so that each com­mu­nity can have their local Poli­Help instance.

Contact us for more details.

The COVID-19 pan­demic is the defining global health crisis of our time .

With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, Heaven Solu­tions, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with CyLiis, decided to create 250 pro­tec­tive visors for medical facil­i­ties.
The advan­tages of a pro­tec­tive visor are its dura­bility, they can be worn an unlim­ited number of times, they can be easily cleaned after use and they prevent the wearer from touching his face.

We have also sup­ported Casa Share with dona­tions and we are open for further Com­mu­nity support.
Special thanks to the young­sters at CyLiis for their example of how they com­bined passion with work and helped for the benefit of the community.

RETINA Robotics is a team of 7 members from local high schools in Iasi.

In the last two years, they have par­tic­i­pated in two seasons of two dif­ferent inter­na­tional robotics competitions.

In the 2019–2020 season, they signed up for a pres­ti­gious chal­lenge, the largest robotics com­pe­ti­tion in Romania and the second largest world­wide, the First Tech Chal­lenge. At the start of the com­pe­ti­tion, Retina Robotics managed to access one of the 30 kits awarded to rookie teams at the national level with a remark­able appli­ca­tion.
They worked between 6 and 12 hours a day. It didn’t matter whether it was a holiday or school day. They always worked with passion and pre­pared another pro­to­type for tests.
We are very happy that we helped orga­nize this year’s demon­stra­tion.
Keep it up, guys! As you guys say, the sky is the limit!

Robotics Lab powered by Heaven Solutions

Heaven Solu­tions ren­o­vated from scratch an old class­room and together with CyLiis pupils and teachers trans­formed it in a Robotic Lab.
More­over Heaven Solu­tions involves actively every year in sup­plying the lab with con­sum­ables and other levels of support for par­tic­i­pa­tion in internal and inter­na­tional contests. 
On the spot we enjoyed the pres­ence of the mayor, the guests from the edu­ca­tional inspec­torate and the local council, but most of all the chil­dren, who wel­comed us with their warm smiles.The project itself and its support has been and remains close to our belief that the future will increas­ingly include robotics and AI in everyday life, com­bined with great con­fi­dence in the poten­tial of the younger gen­er­a­tions of students.We are wit­nessing a strong trend of automa­tion and robo­t­i­za­tion of all aspects of life and we think this is just a step to start an align­ment with other coun­tries that take this seri­ously, from the ear­liest stages of youth edu­ca­tion.We were sur­prised by the deter­mi­na­tion, intel­li­gence and passion where­with these chil­dren bring per­for­mance to their high school.Stu­dents pas­sionate about robotics and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence in Iasi can develop their knowl­edge at orga­nized work­shops. The work­shops help stu­dents who are moving in this direc­tion by com­pleting soft­ware-based infor­ma­tion in the curriculum.


Heaven Solu­tions is sup­porting Coder­Dojo team in Iasi, a non-profit inter­na­tional move­ment, which orga­nizes pro­gram­ming  work­shops for chil­dren and ado­les­cents. Young people, between 7 and 17, learn how to code, develop web­sites, apps, pro­grams, games and explore tech­nology in an informal and cre­ative envi­ron­ment. In addi­tion to learning to code atten­dees meet like minded people and are exposed to the pos­si­bil­i­ties of technology.

Emmaus Europe is a non-profit orga­ni­za­tion, that brings together all the Emmaus struc­tures in Europe and is one of the four con­ti­nental regions of the Emmaus Move­ment (Africa, America, Asia, and Europe). Today, 303 groups in 17 Euro­pean coun­tries are members of Emmaus Europe of which Heaven Solu­tions sup­ports Emmaus in Iasi, Romania.

Emmaus Europe seeks to strengthen and pre­serve Emmaus’ iden­tity in Europe with the aim of fighting all forms of exclu­sion being either social, racial, polit­ical, eco­nomic, reli­gious, philo­soph­ical, ethnic or other kinds of dis­crim­i­na­tion. It also tries to make sure that the rights of the poorest members of the society are recognised.

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Heaven solu­tions is spon­soring “IA SI Urca”, a pro­moter of moun­tain sports (and not only) among people in Iasi, from running and moun­tain climbing to alti­tude climbing, ori­en­teering, moun­tain biking and moun­tain tourism.

On the other hand, by his name and his actions, it also  trying to promote the image of Iasi in Romania and abroad, mainly (but not exclu­sively) through amateur sport.

The team sup­ports the move­ment in all its forms, espe­cially the move­ment in nature, hence the concern and envi­ron­mental health and they  try to put it as small as pos­sible a  foot­print on the natural and even fix harmful actions of others.

iasiurca logo - IT Outsourcing Projects

We believe, that in a well-func­tioning society every indi­vidual has the duty to con­tribute value to the degree of his capa­bil­i­ties. We are aware and grateful for being part of the more priv­i­leged side of this world, and con­sider it our moral oblig­a­tion to take respon­si­bility for the less favored. After all, we want to give some­thing back to society. 

Our ambi­tion is to create and improve social aware­ness of every indi­vidual and strengthen the com­munal engage­ment, par­tic­u­larly from companies. 

In com­par­ison to indi­vid­uals, firms are in a much more pow­erful posi­tion. There­fore they can have a much stronger pos­i­tive as well as neg­a­tive influ­ence on society, given their cor­po­rate activ­i­ties. Hence, firms carry a sig­nif­i­cant burden in terms of social respon­si­bility. At Heaven Solu­tions, we under­stand the power and oblig­a­tion we are holding and commit our­selves to a diver­sity of social projects.

Similar to the busi­ness sector, social projects focus on values and their greater impact. Being able to ulti­mately achieve some­thing, the coop­er­a­tion of various insti­tu­tions and the impli­ca­tion of a spe­cific project outline is nec­es­sary. Heaven Solu­tions there­fore only sup­ports projects that guar­antee long-term success, are sus­tain­able and have a pos­i­tive influ­ence on society in an effi­cient way. Being able to master this, we con­tin­u­ously inno­vate and promote synergy. We do not only supply social projects with capital but also consult, offer ser­vices and labour as well as our per­sonal engagement.

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Heaven Solu­tions sup­ports “Mai Bine” Asso­ci­a­tion, a non-profit Romanian organ­i­sa­tion, which aims for a sus­tain­able local com­mu­nity by imple­menting projects in a holistic approach to all three dimen­sions of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment: the natural envi­ron­ment, social envi­ron­ment, and the eco­nomic envi­ron­ment.One of the most impor­tant and suc­cessful projects is REDU,  devel­oped as a social enter­prise that aims to trans­form into a cre­ative and edu­ca­tional way the waste in resources.