AI Robot - AI Platform for Advanced Data Analytics

Entire indus­tries and man­u­fac­turers are real­izing the oppor­tu­ni­ties but also expe­ri­encing chal­lenges in the tran­si­tion to “Industry 4.0”. Smart, con­nected equip­ment and data ana­lytics tai­lored to the needs of dif­ferent indus­tries and indi­vidual com­pa­nies enable better use of data to drive efficiency.

Such smart solu­tions provide obvious ben­e­fits pro­vided they are prop­erly designed, val­i­dated, and inte­grated to the busi­ness. However, many com­pa­nies are in need of support, exper­tise, and appro­priate tools to suc­cess­fully take the steps to exploit the data assets and apply intel­li­gent ana­lytics to enhance their business.

Our solution: AI Robot

Awarded by the Euro­pean Union, with an Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence R&D funding of 2.5M EUR, Heaven Solu­tions is aiming to solve chal­lenges of the Fourth Indus­trial Revolution.

AI Robot is a data analysis and deci­sion support plat­form which can help industrial/manufacturing com­pa­nies with use cases as:

  • Pre­ven­tive Main­te­nance — improved overall equip­ment effec­tive­ness by pre­dicting unplanned down­time, wear level and opti­mizing asset availability
  • Spare parts stock and inven­tory optimization
  • Reduced Costs through real-time pro­duc­tion mon­i­toring and control, pre­dic­tive main­te­nance, and opti­mized energy consumption
  • Enhanced Quality Control by reducing defects in prod­ucts with real-time quality control
  • AI assisted busi­ness deci­sion making through real-time data ana­lytics for support and optimization

The per­for­mance is assured by devel­oping machine learning algo­rithms and methods based on the research work of our Data Sci­en­tists in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the local Com­puter Science University.

The vision behind a quality-improving solution

With AI Robot we aim to build an AI-assisted data analysis and deci­sion support plat­form for man­u­fac­turing com­pa­nies looking to opti­mise impor­tant areas in their busi­ness, such as:

  • Quality Assur­ance via video streaming
  • Auto­matic detec­tion of usage level
  • Spare parts stock inventory
  • Fea­tured pro­duc­tion para­me­ters in manufacturing
  • Pre­dic­tive main­te­nance scheduling

There­fore, we will be using the his­tor­ical oper­a­tional data and machine learning algo­rithms and methods that are devel­oped based on the research work done by our Data Sci­en­tists in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the local Com­puter Science University.

If you are looking to scale your business by solving any or similar issue, we encourage you to reach out to us!