Stagii pe bune 2016

Heaven Solu­tions par­tic­i­pated on 19 March 2016 at the national intern­ship program, Stagii pe Bune (Intern­ships for Real). The event aims at placing IT&C stu­dents in summer intern­ships in com­pa­nies from the IT&C industry.

Heaven Solu­tions par­tic­i­pated on 19 March 2016 at the national intern­ship program, Stagii pe Bune (Intern­ships for Real). The event aims at placing IT&C stu­dents in summer intern­ships in com­pa­nies from the IT&C industry. The 12th edition of the Stagii pe Bune (Intern­ships for Real) 2016 is the offi­cial intern­ships program of the most impor­tant edu­ca­tional IT&C centers in Romania: Iasi and Bucharest. Heaven Solu­tions pre­sented at the opening con­fer­ence it’s projects and the oppor­tu­ni­ties offered for stu­dents which are seeking for a chal­lenge and con­tin­uous improvement.
The pas­sionate youth in tech­nology have the oppor­tu­nity to become part of Heaven Solu­tions’ team and be employed after graduation.
The program enables the stu­dents to prac­tice the the­o­ret­ical con­cepts learnt at the Faculty, acquiring at the same time tech­nical skills, team-working abil­i­ties and improving their com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills in a pro­fes­sional working environment.

We had a great time, we met a lot of enthu­si­astic and open minded people, so we are looking forward for the next year event!