Heaven Solutions Team Building in Milano 2022

Our team decided to get inspired and get to know each other better in Milan, Italy for 3 days. During the first day’s start, we con­nected while trav­eling to Milan. Most of our team flew from Iași, but we had col­leagues joining us from Sibiu, Bucharest, Zurich, Frank­furt and Berlin!

First day: Connecting with each other through beautiful speeches

Later, we got to our accom­mo­da­tion where we got to rest and, at noon, each team got to present them­selves and their work in the past few months.

Each team lead pre­sented the department’s growth and each col­league got to give an amazing speech!

The best part of the day was the birthday cel­e­bra­tion of our CEO, Cris­tian Micliuc. We went to a beau­tiful restau­rant and made great memories!

Second day: Making memories as a team

Our second day in Milan was about growth and dis­covery. How?
We started our day with a dose of moti­va­tion and pro­duc­tivity from our com­pa­ny’s leaders. Thank you, Jonathan and Cris­tian, for pro­viding us more infor­ma­tion on the company’s vision and long term objectives!

Then, after lunch, we went on a great journey within Milan, a trea­sure hunt orga­nized by Heaven Solu­tions! We were divided in 8 teams, fol­lowed clues and had so much fun while dis­cov­ering Milan and strength­ening the con­nec­tions between us.

Our third day: A lesson on growth

The last day of our team building was full of moti­va­tion and vis­iting. We started with lessons on growth and taking action from our col­leagues from Switzer­land and Germany, Pascal Spahni and Max Sieg.

After­wards, we con­tinued vis­iting Milan. We got to see Sforzesco Castle, Leonardo3 Museum and many other inter­esting spots.

At the end of the day, we trav­eled back home, full of joy and grateful for the most amazing moments with the Heaven Solu­tions team. This team building was a great oppor­tu­nity for us to evolve out team’s com­mu­ni­ca­tion and to connect even more in order to ensure a good cooperation.