
Testing is one of the most impor­tant process in a soft­ware life cycle that starts with gath­ering and analysing of the require­ments to the deploy­ment and main­te­nance phase. In order to avoid dif­fi­cul­ties in fixing bugs at the last stage, it is of advan­tage to start testing from initial stages. This will improve reli­a­bility, per­for­mance and it saves time and is cost-effective. 

Heaven Solu­tions has tester teams with strong knowl­edge in quality assur­ance (QA), quality control (QC) and soft­ware testing. Our testers have expe­ri­ence working with both manual and auto­mated soft­ware testing by using dif­ferent tools and method­olo­gies based on the project needs. We have expe­ri­ence with con­tin­uous inte­gra­tion testing that per­forms auto­mated build, allowing teams to detect prob­lems at an early stage.

Heaven Solu­tions can offer off­shore ser­vices from Romania that will consist in highly skilled testers who can assure that the stake­holder require­ments are fulfilled.

Case studies: 

  • Streaming soft­ware
  • Real Estate Website
  • Connect Appli­ca­tion
  • Soft­ware Testing & Development
  • UK Par­lia­ment process digitalization
  • Fleet Service Operations
  • Share­Point deploy­ment in Turku Univ.
  • Telemed­i­cine
  • Bingli
  • Embedded Ser­vices for Medical Devices
  • E2E Testing in Healthcare

Cristian Micliuc

CEO & Founder