Welcome to our team, Matti Hämäläinen

We are excited to announce that Matti Hämäläinen is offi­cially part of the Heaven Solu­tions team!

With over 40 years of expe­ri­ence in acad­emia and in the industry, Matti gives us the oppor­tu­nity to better under­stand the chal­lenges and com­plexity of the research field. 

In the ‘90s his research on Internet and mobile ser­vices resulted to some pio­neering e‑learning con­cepts and global mobile games ser­vices. In the past decades he has been working on solu­tions for smart cities / smart envi­ron­ments and well­being and health with focus on ser­vices for seniors and for per­son­alised and pre­ven­tive health. 

His past in uni­ver­si­ties such as:

  • Aalto Uni­ver­sity, Helsinki Uni­ver­sity of Technology
  • Metropolia Uni­ver­sity of Applied Sciences
  • Tongji Uni­ver­sity

con­nects impor­tant research to the ability of sharing knowl­edge towards the next generations. 

Throughout his career Matti has been actively involved in devel­oping inter­na­tional edu­ca­tion, research projects and net­works. By linking uni­ver­si­ties, industry, gov­ern­ment enti­ties and NGOs for studying, he con­tributed in devel­oping solu­tions to joint challenges. 

In addi­tion, he coor­di­nated an inter­na­tional coop­er­a­tion in the research field, the China-Finland Strategic ICT Alliance. Thus, helping in addressing the future chal­lenges related to envi­ron­ment, energy, traffic, well­being, health and aging pop­u­la­tion and in cre­ating future urban environments.

Beyond this impres­sive career, his per­son­ality and ambi­tion have amazed us.